Block friends' app on Facebook- There are several annoying things that could happen on Facebook. Among these is getting an invite from your friend to download a game, help you with lives or help you unlock the next level. So how do you put a stop to this? Simple, just block that friends' app invitation. Check it out:

How do I Block Friends app on Facebook?

To block your Facebook friends apps you need to pay a visit to Facebook blocking center (Manage Blocking).

You can also reach the BLOCKING settings via this link:

Visit the link through a web browser or simply go to Settings >> Blocking >> Manage Blocking

You will find a place to block apps - search for the app and block it.

block friends apps on Facebook

That's all!

How can you hide the people and pages you follow on Facebook- As we all know, by default, Facebook keeps people, pages and list you follow on its platform public and visible to every other user but you now have the choice of hiding it from other Facebook friends. Check out how to hide the people and pages you follow on Facebook.

Users now have full control on almost everything that appears on their profile for example: status, photos, albums and so on. Users also have the control of the audience of their contents for example: share with everyone, friends, friends of friends, groups and so on. Users can also manually hide a status from specific set of persons.

If you do not want public visitors to your Facebook profile to see lists, pages and people you, then you just have to hide it from them.

SeeHow to Hide Your Facebook Friend List from Friends and Others

And seeing that someone is your mutual friend, your other friends usually accept the friend request. It’s kind of embarrassing when your female friend informs you that some mutual friend of yours has sent her a friend request.

It’s good you keep people and pages you follow visible to only you and hidden from public eyes.

How to Hide People and Pages You Follow on Facebook

By default, everyone can see the Friends section of your profile. To adjust who can see your Friends section:
Go to your profile. 
Click ''Following'' below your cover photo
Click on at the top of the page and select ''Edit Privacy'' from the drop down menu
Hide Facebook Friend List from Friends and Others
Select an audience (ex: Friends, Public) to choose who you share your friend list with on your profile.

How to Hide People, Pages and Lists You Follow on Facebook

From here you can control who can see your pages and people you follow and who can’t. I keep mine visible to only me.

Keeping your followed Facebook pages, list and people visible to other people is totally a thing of choice, but I prefer keeping mine hidden and private to only for my own privacy.
Do you have a Facebook and an Instagram account? Do you know it is possible to link both to each other? We'll be showing you how to link Facebook to Instagram.

Read How to close Facebook account temporarily

Link Facebook to Instagram


To link Facebook to Instagram, follow the steps outlined below:
  1. Tap on the Instagram app to open it: If you aren't signed into your Instagram account on your device, you'll need to do so in order to access the Instagram settings.
  2. Tap on the Profile button: This is the person-shaped icon in the bottom right corner of your screen; tapping it will take you to your Instagram account.
  3. Tap on ⚙️ (iPhone) or [⋮] (Android): This is in the top-right of the profile page and will open the "Options" menu. On Android, this icon resembles a vertical stack of three dots.
  4. Tap on the "Linked Accounts" option: This is under the "Settings" subheading.
  5. Tap on the "Facebook" option: This will redirect you to a Facebook login page.
  6. Enter your Facebook email address and password: This will log you into your Facebook account from within Instagram. You may be asked if you would rather ''Log in with the Facebook app'' or ''Log in with phone and email''. If your choice is to log in with the app, then tap ''Open'' when you are prompted to open the Facebook app.
  7. Select who can view your Instagram posts on Facebook: Tap on the drop-down menu and select one of the following privacy options: Public, Friends, Friends except Acquaintances, Only me, Acquaintances to choose who can view your Instagram posts on Facebook.
  8. Tap on OK. If you are prompted to open Instagram, tap ''Open Instagram''.
  9. Review your posting options: Here, you can enable dual-posting, where every post you make on Instagram is replicated and automatically posted on your Facebook page, by tapping "OK". If you don't want to allow dual-posting, tap on "Not Now"; this will take you to the Instagram Options menu.

You can link your Instagram and Facebook accounts to share posts directly from Instagram to Facebook. Once you link accounts, you'll have the option to share a post to Facebook from the same screen where you add a caption.
How can you delete a photo on Facebook- You may have uploaded a photo by mistake and you want to take it down. Deleting it is the best option you've got left. Then begs the question, How can you delete a photo on Facebook?


  1. Tap on the menu button at the right hand of the Facebook page
  2. Tap on your name to take you straight to your profile
  3. Scroll down and tap on ''Photos''
  4. Scroll right to go to ''Uploads''
  5. Scroll down and tap on the photo you want to delete
  6. At the top right hand corner of the page, tap on the menu button (three buttons piled on top of each other)
  7. On the pop-up menu, tap on ''Delete photo''
  8. You will be asked if you are sure you want to delete it, tap on ''Delete''


  1. Log in your details
  2. On the left hand side of the page, click on your name to go to your profile
  3. On the pop-up screen, click on ''Photos''
  4. Tap on ''Your Photos''
  5. Scroll through and locate the particular photo you want to delete
  6. On the top right hand of the photo, click on the pencil icon
  7. On the drop down menu, click on ''Delete this photo''
  8. On the pop up screen, you will be asked if you are sure you want to delete the photo, click on ''Delete''
How to delete a photo without deleting a post- Do you know that it is possible to delete a photo on Facebook without deleting the post you made when uploading the photo? Yes it is very possible to delete a photo without deleting the post that accompanied it.
To edit a post that you have shared:
  1. Click in the top right of your post
  2. Click ''Edit Post''
  3. Make your changes and then click on ''Save''
If you've added photos as part of your post, you can also delete a photo without deleting the entire post:
  1. Click in the top right of your post
  2. Click ''Edit Post''
  3. Hover over the photos you'd like to delete and click ''x'' in the top right
  4. Click on ''Save''
Keep in mind that you won't be able to delete photos from a post you've shared from a third-party app.

Note: If your post in a group only includes one photo, you can't delete the photo without deleting your entire post.
Facebook Messenger Down Today: Is your Facebook Messenger down today on your device? You are not alone... don't worry, you ain't alone on this one. It happens and you should expect or anticipate it anyways!

Facebook Messenger Down Today

See: Download Free Facebook Messenger On Mobile

If you can't access your messenger today, just log back on later in the day and see if it's back.
You've been keeping in touch with someone on Facebook when all of a sudden you discover that you can't view his or her profile, neither can you send him or her messages.

In this article, we are going to show you how to find out if you have been blocked on Facebook.
The first step to finding out if someone has blocked you is trying to find his or her name on Facebook. If you can't find the profile even after trying to search by name, then there is something wrong. Next thing to do is try to search the name through mutual friends, i.e, visiting the friends list of your mutual friends on Facebook. If you still can't find the person, this could be due to three probable reasons: Your friend has blocked you, Your friend has deleted his profile, Your friend's account has been disabled either by him or Facebook following a violation of its standards. If it is the first reason, then we proceed with the following steps:

Before you proceed, check this out: Can I unblock a blocked Facebook User?


If you have a conversation with the person then you can check through your messages. If you two sent messages (also in chat) look for them from the messages page and expand the conversation. The photo of the person will show the default Facebook image (the white outline on blue background), but what should draw your attention is the name. If the name of the person is black, in bold and you can not click on it to visit the profile, then most certainly, the person has blocked you on Facebook.


Another way to find out if you've been blocked on Facebook is to open a conversation with your friend and try to report it as spam. Re-open the message page and the conversation with the Facebook user. From the menu at the top right of the pop-up screen, tap on “Actions”, choose “Report spam or abuse”.  From the new window that opens, choose “Report one or more participants in the conversation for harassment or threats, or to have a compromised account.” then click ''OK''. If the next window reads “Operation prohibited” to the right of the name of the friend, it means you've been blocked.


This last method is by far the simplest and easiest method. Ask a mutual friend to view the profile of the friend who you think has blocked you, if that mutual friend can access the said profile, then it most certain that you have blocked.


If after employing this tricks, you discovered that a friend has blocked or removed you from his or her friend's list, don't worry or feel irritated. If that person has decided to block you, he or she will have reasons for doing so and you should not allow it to interfere with or affect your friendship in real life. Facebook is just a social network, a virtual place to stay in touch, do not let Facebook ruin a friendship or a relationship.

Notifications from friend's post can sometimes be annoying. Imagine a friend of yours updated his/her status or changed his or her profile picture and tagged you.  The tagging is not bad but getting notifications from every Tom, Dick And Harry that comments on the post is what will likely bother us. Now, we can untag ourselves from an update on a friend's post or. Its very simple. Read on to see how to do it.


To remove a tag from a post you've been tagged in:
1. Tap at the top right hand corner of your fb page
2. Click on your name, this action takes you to your profile
3. Scroll through your timeline to search for the post you want to untag yourself from 
4. Click on in the top right of the post and select Remove Tag.
5. Tap Ok when prompted.'

See also: How to Remove Someone Who Likes Your Facebook Page

1. Log in your profile on Facebook (email address or phone number and password)
2. Click on the Facebook Drop down on the upper right hand corner of your Facebook page
3. On the drop-down menu, click on Activity log
Remove Facebook tag
4. Click on Posts you're tagged in at the left-hand side of the page
Remove Facebook tag
5. This will pop up a screen that shows all the posts you've been tagged in, scroll through and select the post you want to untag yourself from by clicking on the pencil icon by the right of the post
Remove Facebook tag

6. On the drop down menu, click on Report/Remove tag
Remove Facebook tag
7. On the screen that pops up, tell Facebook the reason you want to be untagged then click on Continue
8. Follow the prompt.

Simple! Start untagging yourself from those post you don't like now!
For most of us, the names we used to open our Facebook account five years ago is the same name we are still using today. As we all know, change is the only constant thing in life and the good news is that Facebook has given us the opportunity to change our names from time to time. Like they say, variety is the spice of life, so why don't you spice up your Facebook life and change your name? In this article, we are going to provide you with a step-by-step guide on how to change your name on Facebook.

Read: How to reset or change Facebook Password

  1. Click on the menu button at the top right hand of the page (under the messenger logo)
  2. Scroll down to Account settings and tap on it
  3. Click on General
  4. On the pop-up screen, tap on Name
  5. On the screen that pops up, type any name you want to known as on Facebook then tap on Review change
  6. Enter your password and click on Save changes 
  1. Click on the Facebook Drop down in the top right of Facebook and select Settings
  2. Click on Name
  3. Enter your name and click on Review Change
  4. Enter your password and click on Save Changes
 Remember that Facebook has some terms and conditions attached to changing your name on Facebook. They are stated below: 
1. Your name can't include:
  • Symbols, numbers, unusual capitalization, repeating characters or punctuation
  • Characters from multiple languages
  • Titles of any kind (example: professional, religious)
  • Words or phrases in place of a name
  • Offensive or suggestive words of any kind
2. If your name follows the standards and you're still having trouble changing it, find out why.
Other things to keep in mind:
  • The name on your profile should be the name that your friends call you in everyday life. This name should also appear on an ID or document from our ID list.
  • Nicknames can be used as a first or middle name if they're a variation of your authentic name (like Bob instead of Robert).
  • You can also list another name on your account (example: maiden name, nickname, professional name).
  • Profiles are for individual use only. You can create a Page for a business, organization or idea.
  • Pretending to be anything or anyone isn't allowed.
NOTE: You will not be able to change your name again until after sixty(60) days or two months.

You can also spice up your new name by adding a nickname, a birth name, etc. So go ahead, play around with some new spectacular names but remember to align your change to work with the standards of Facebook.
Have fun!
Facebook  is one of the social media platforms which we can use to make new friends, reconnect with old friends and stay in touch with family. Oftentimes, we run into some issues that will warrant us to abandon that account. So, instead of creating multiple Facebook accounts, why not delete a particular account and start all over again.

Also See: Authentic ways to deactivate and delete your Facebook Account

Before we proceed, you must be really certain of your decision to delete Facebook.
If you have made up your mind, then this article is going to show you how to delete Facebook.



If you have read up to this point, it means that your mind is made up and far be it from me to persuade you to do otherwise. Rather, I would advice you to download a copy of your Facebook data before you delete your account. To download your Facebook data:
  1. Click on the downward arrow at the top of your Facebook page
  2. On the drop down menu, click on Settings
  3. On the pop-up screen, click on the link at the bottom of the page that says ''Download a copy of your Facebook data
If you are done downloading, proceed with the following steps:
  1. On the browser that automatically logs in your Facebook profile, type in the address bar. If you are not automatically logged in, do so by inputing your email address or phone number and password, then click on Log in
  2. Click on Delete my account below the warning message in the middle of the page. Doing so brings up another screen
  3. You will be asked to input your password
  4. On the screen that pops up, type in the captcha code in the box provided. (If you can't see the code clearly, click on either Try another text or Audio captcha link below the code to generate a new one.
  5. Click on OK to submit the code. At this point, if the captcha code and password were inputed correctly, another screen will pop up, if not, you will be asked to try again.
  6. On the pop-up screen, click on OK to delete your account.
REMEMBER: The process of deleting your account may take Facebook at least 90days because they need to delete all your photos, videos, status updates and other data stored on their server. During this period, your account as a whole is not accessible to your Facebook friends.
Previous post featured how to delete Facebook photo so we thought you might wish to entirely remove photo album from your Facebook profile. In this article, we shall see what it takes to get rid of full Facebook photo album you created on Facebook.

How to Delete Facebook Photo Album

When I'm done showing you how to delete your Facebook album photo, you will wish to buy me a coffee or sponsor my lunch. But that won't matter right now, since you are too eager to erase everything about this particular Facebook album. So I suggest we get started.

Please note that you may not be allowed to delete certain Facebook album. For instance,  album tagged as Profile Pictures. I guess the reason is quite clear - it's a system generated album but keep in mind that you can delete photos contained in it.

See how to delete individual Facebook photo.

Also keep in mind that as soon as you hit on delete photo album, you will never be able to gain access to that album for eternity. So it's highly advisable to make sure you really want to delete an album.
Another thing you should know is this - whenever you delete an album, it automatically delete every single image in the album. Be sure you are not deleting the unintended album.

How to Completely Delete Facebook Photo Album

To do the deletion, follow the steps below:
  • Go to the album you want to delete
  • Click on the gear icon at the top right and select Delete Album
  • Click to confirm
Recommended: How to Block friends Apps on Facebook

It's as simple as that! Please share this article... no longer interested in coffee. Thanks!
Are you looking forward to blocking friends apps, friends app invites or notifications on Facebook? This guide is aimed at helping you block everything blockable on Facebook. See: Deactivate And Reactivate Facebook Account.

If there's anything I personally dislike with passion - it's friends app invites and notification majorly because I'm not a game fan. So, I do not want Facebook to bombard me with unending notification of apps or games. 

So what I do is to block any app that's causing the trouble.

How to block friends apps on Facebook

How do I disable Friends app on Facebook?

To block your Facebook friends apps you need to pay a visiting to Facebook blocking center (Manage Blocking).

I wouldn't like to go into too much details because you reach the BLOCKING settings via this link:

Visit the link through a web browser or simply go to Settings >> Blocking >> Manage Blocking

You will find a place to block apps - search for the app and block it.

block friends apps on Facebook

That's all!

Click to zoom image

Recommended: How to Temporarily Deactivate My Facebook Account

Please Share it!!!
Did you by error posted a photo on Facebook? here is how to get it deleted from Facebook. You just have to be careful when next you post something on FB because you can't tell who have viewed or save the image. See: How to Block friends Apps on Facebook

How to delete Photo on Facebook

So how do you remove photo you don't want to be seen on Facebook?

How to delete Facebook Photo

To delete a photo on Facebook, simply login to your FB account and click on the image you wish to delete.
Next, below the image you will see option.
Click on option.
Next, click on delete this photo.

How to delete Facebook Photo

That's all.

Note: You can't delete photos that you are tagged. If it's your own picture, make certain that you untag everyone on the image before deleting.

How to remove tag on Photo?

To remove tag, click on option
Next, click on remove tag

How to remove tag on Facebook Photo

Recommended: Deactivate And Reactivate Facebook Account

Please share this article!
Download | Update your Fb for Android and iPhone to enjoy- Facebook has been around for a long time, helping us connect to old friends, make new friends, advertise our goods online, get our needs met by those who professional and able enough to do so. In fact, the importance of Facebook is innumerable as we find that over one billion people are on Facebook. So, it is wise to say that the Facebook team is always looking for ways to optimize our satisfaction, hence, it comes up with updates from time to time and sometimes, each update can come with an additional feature or option. Take a look at some of the features below:



You can choose to play all of your friends' stories without having to tap it one after the other with the option ''Play All''


When you get a friend request, you are allowed a preview of that person's photos in case you can't recognize the name or the person in the current profile picture.


Your notifications are arranged in a chronological order and demarcates ''New'' down to ''Earlier'' which are the older notifications. You can now locate which notification to open.


You can choose to save, give feedback hide or turn off notifications for a particular post, unfollow the person who made the post or copy the link of the post by tapping on the three dots (...) at the top of the post.


The camera feature has so many new options to choose from when taking a picture. Options ranging from having flowers or a crown on your head, using a STAR WARS frame, etc.


Incorporated into this new update  is ''CRISIS RESPONSE''. It can be found under ''Favorites'' when you tap on the menu button at the right hand corner of the page. CRISIS RESPONSE shows you the crisis going on around the world.


Tapping on the ''whatsapp'' option takes you straight to your whatsapp.

So, check out how to download | update your Fb for Android and iPhone to enjoy

Download and Update FB App On Android Phones From Google Play Store

To download or update FB app from google play store is very easy and simple so just follow the procedures written below to download or update the app on your mobile app.
  • Click on ''download'' or ''update'' FB app on your device now.
  • Then click on install, that’s all.
  • Go to your apps menu and open the newly installed FB app.
  • Then fill your Facebook details to sign in, and enjoy your chat.

Download and Update FB App on iOS From Apple Store for iPad and iPhone

  • Visit Facebook official iOS link to download and install FACEBOOK App on iPhone or iPad by clicking Here or Here.
  • On the page that appears, click on “Get App”. 
  • Follow the steps and install your Facebook App.
So, what are you waiting for?  Download | Update your Fb for Android and iPhone to enjoy more awesome features!
Hit on the share buttons so your friends will know what's happening
Download and Update FB App- Facebook, a social platform where we get to meet so many people tries to maximize its users' satisfaction by making constant updates of the application. So, updating your app from time to time gives you the opportunity to enjoy the numerous opportunities and features made available to you by the Facebook team. 


You can choose to play all of your friends' stories without having to tap it one after the other with the option ''Play All''


When you get a friend request, you are allowed a preview of that person's photos in case you can't recognize the name or the person in the current profile picture.


Your notifications are arranged in a chronological order and demarcates ''New'' down to ''Earlier'' which are the older notifications. You can now locate which notification to open.


You can choose to save, give feedback hide or turn off notifications for a particular post, unfollow the person who made the post or copy the link of the post by tapping on the three dots (...) at the top of the post.


The camera feature has so many new options to choose from when taking a picture. Options ranging from having flowers or a crown on your head, using a STAR WARS frame, etc.


Incorporated into this new update  is ''CRISIS RESPONSE''. It can be found under ''Favorites'' when you tap on the menu button at the right hand corner of the page. CRISIS RESPONSE shows you the crisis going on around the world.


Tapping on the ''whatsapp'' option takes you straight to your whatsapp.

So, check out how to download | update your Fb for Android and iPhone to enjoy

Download and Update FB App On Android Phones From Google Play Store

To download or update FB app from google play store is very easy and simple so just follow the procedures written below to download or update the app on your mobile app.
  • Click on ''download'' or ''update'' FB app on your device now.
  • Then click on install, that’s all.
  • Go to your apps menu and open the newly installed FB app.
  • Then fill your Facebook details to sign in, and enjoy your chat.

Download and Update FB App on iOS From Apple Store for iPad and iPhone

  • Visit Facebook official iOS link to download and install FACEBOOK App on iPhone or iPad by clicking Here or Here.
  • On the page that appears, click on “Get App”. 
  • Follow the steps and install your Facebook App.
So, what are you waiting for?  Download and Update your FB App to enjoy more awesome features!
Hit on the share buttons so your friends will know what's happening
We all have those pictures we take of very special moments to upload on Facebook for our friends to see. But to avoid answering questions like "What is happening" or "Where did it happen" etc, wouldn't it be easier and much more simpler to create a photo album for those pictures? Here's how to create Facebook photo album:

Check out: How To See/View Your Blocked List On Facebook



On Your Facebook Application:

  1. Tap on "What's on your mind"
  2. Tap on "+Album" 
  3. Tap on "Create"
  4. Fill in the album name and add a description (description is optional)
  5. Tap on "Friends" to choose who can see that particular photo album (this is also optional but I would advice you to set the viewing audience to your own standard for security reasons)
  6. Tap on "Feature on profile" and set it on off or on to either feature on your profile or not
  7. Tap on "Add contributors" and set it on off or on to add friends as contributors to the album
  8. Tap on "Create"at the top right hand corner of the page then proceed to add as much pictures as you want

On Your Browser:

  1. Log in your Facebook profile
  2. Click on "What's on your mind"
  3. Click on "+Album" (at the bottom of the screen)
  4. Fill in the Album name and Add a description (Description is optional)
  5. Enter friend's names to add them as contributors (also optional)
  6. Set Feature on profile to on or off for the album to feature on your profile (also optional)
  7. Click on Privacy to choose who sees the album (this also is optional but you are advised to set it to your standard for security reasons)
  8. Click on "Create" (at the bottom of the page) 

Read Also: How to delete Facebook photos

    Check out your blocked list in 1 second- If you have been having problems locating your blocked list on Facebook, this article is here to help you solve that problem.


    To view your blocked list on your mobile application, there are two ways:
    1. On your Facebook app, tap on the menu button (☰)
    2. Tap on "Account Settings' (for iPhone users tap on "Settings")
    3. Tap on "Blocking"
    1.  Tap on the menu button (☰)
    2. Tap on "Privacy shortcuts"
    3. Scroll down and tap on "How do I stop someone from bothering me?"
    4. On the drop down menu, tap on "Blocked users"


    1. Click in the top right of any Facebook page
    2. Click "Privacy Shortcuts"
    3. Click "How do I stop someone from bothering me?"
    4. Click "View All Blocked Users".
    See how you can Block on Fb - We all have that one friend who just doesn't take the hint. Stalking and just being a nuisance all in the name of friendship. See how you can block him or her:

    On Your Facebook Application:
    1. Click on the menu button at the top right-hand of the page
    2. Tap on your name to take you to your profile
    3. Scroll down and tap on "Friends"
    4. Scroll through your list of friends and identify the person you want to block
    5. Once you've identified the person, tap on his/her name to open his/her profile
    6. Next, tap on the menu button(at the far right, next to message, it looks like three dots piled on top of each other)
    7. On the options that pop-up menu, tap on "Block"
    8. On the pop-up screen, you will be asked if you are sure you want to block the person, tap on "Block" at the bottom of the pop-up screen
    1. Click on the menu button at the top right-hand of the page
    2. Scroll down and tap on "Account settings"
    3. Tap on "Blocking"
    4. On the pop-up screen, type the person's name or email
    5. Tap on "Block"
    6. A list of names will come up that matches the name that you typed, identify the particular person you want and then tap on "Block" by the far right hand side of the name
    On Your Browser:
    1. Click on at the top right of any Facebook page.
    2. Click on "Privacy Shortcuts"
    3. Click on "How do I stop someone from bothering me?"
    4. Enter the name of the person you want to block and click on "Block"
    5. Select the specific person you want to block from the list that appears and click on "Block" again.
    See how you  can deactivate your Fb account immediately- Deactivating an account on Facebook has been made much easier and simple. Check it out:

    On Your Facebook Application

    • Click on the menu button at the top right hand of your Facebook page.
    • On the pop up screen, scroll down to "Account settings"
    • On the pop-up screen, click on "General"
    • On the pop-up screen, tap on  "Manage Account"
    •  On the pop-up screen, tap on "Deactivate" at the right hand corner.
    • Enter your password on the screen that pops up and tap on "Continue".
    • On the next page, you will be asked if you are sure of the decision to deactivate and to give reasons why you want to deactivate.
    • After you have provided the necessary information, scroll down to the bottom of the page and tap on "Deactivate" to deactivate your account. 
    • You will once again be asked if you want to deactivate your Facebook account, tap on the "Deactivate" button to deactivate your Facebook account.

    On Your Browser 

    • Log in your Facebook account details.
    • Click the account menu  at the top right of your Facebook page.
    • On the drop-down menu, select the “Settings” option.
    • The screen that pops up shows your General Account settings, click on "Manage Account"
    • On the screen that drops down under Manage Account, scroll down to "Deactivate your Account"
    • At the bottom of the page, click on the "Deactivate your account" link.
    • A new page will be open, where you need to enter your password.
    • After entering your password, click on the "Continue" button.
    • You’ll be directed to a new page, where you need to tell the reason behind your deactivation.
    • After you've provided the needed information, click on the ‘Deactivate’ button for deactivation.
    • Facebook will once again ask you to confirm your decision to deactivate Facebook account. Click on the "Deactivate Now" button to immediately deactivate your Facebook account.
    How you can deactivate or delete your account immediately- Do you want to go off Facebook but you are confused on whether to deactivate or delete? This article will help you make that decision. Continue reading to know the differences:

    How you can deactivate or delete your account immediately

    Your choice to deactivate your Facebook account means that:

    • You can reactivate the account whenever you want
    • People will not be able to see your Timeline nor search for you
    • Some information like the messages you exchanged with friends may remain visible.
      Your choice to delete your Facebook account means that:
    • Access to your account can't be regained once its deleted
    • Deleting your account may be delayed for a few days after you have made the request. This deletion request will be cancelled if you log into your Facebook account during this period of time.
    • Deleting your data in the back-up system may take up to 90 days and for that reason, your information will not be accessible during this time.
    • Some things are not stored in your account. For example, your friend may still have the messages you both shared after deletion of your account.
    • Copies of some materials like your log records may still remain in Facebook's database but they are disassociated from personal identifiers.



    Now, let us show you how to delete your Facebook account temporarily which means the same as Deactivating

    On Your Facebook Application

    • Click on the menu button at the top right hand of your Facebook page.
    • On the pop up screen, scroll down to "Account settings"
    • On the pop-up screen, click on "General"
    • On the pop-up screen, tap on  "Manage Account"
    •  On the pop-up screen, tap on "Deactivate" at the right hand corner.
    • Enter your password on the screen that pops up and tap on "Continue".
    • On the next page, you will be asked if you are sure of the decision to deactivate and to give reasons why you want to deactivate.
    • After you have provided the necessary information, scroll down to the bottom of the page and tap on "Deactivate" to deactivate your account. 
    • You will once again be asked if you want to deactivate your Facebook account, tap on the "Deactivate" button to deactivate your Facebook account.

    On Your Browser 

    • Log in your Facebook account details.
    • Click the account menu  at the top right of your Facebook page.
    • On the drop-down menu, select the “Settings” option.
    • The screen that pops up shows your General Account settings, click on "Manage Account"
    • On the screen that drops down under Manage Account, scroll down to "Deactivate your Account"
    • At the bottom of the page, click on the "Deactivate your account" link.
    • A new page will be open, where you need to enter your password.
    • After entering your password, click on the "Continue" button.
    • You’ll be directed to a new page, where you need to tell the reason behind your deactivation.
    • After you've provided the needed information, click on the ‘Deactivate’ button for deactivation.
    • Facebook will once again ask you to confirm your decision to deactivate Facebook account. Click on the "Deactivate Now" button to immediately deactivate your Facebook account.

    If you choose to delete your Facebook account permanently or Delete your account, here's what to do:
    *You are advised to download a copy of your Facebook data before you delete your account for future purposes.*

    To download a copy of your Facebook data: 
    • Click the downward arrow at the top right of any Facebook page
    • Select "Settings"
    • Click on the link at the bottom of the main menu that says "Download a copy of your Facebook data".
    After you have downloaded your data, all you need to do is visit this link:, click on "Delete my account", then follow the steps to confirm.
    How can you delete your old FB account in 1 second- You have two Facebook accounts but you lost the password to one or you simply don't want to make use of that account again, Deleting it is the safest option because if you don't, it can be hacked and your identity used against you. Check out How can you delete your old FB account in 1 second
    How can you delete your old FB account in 1 second

    On Your Facebook Application

    1. Log in your present Facebook account
    2. Locate your old Facebook account
    3. Click on the name
    4. Click on the three horizontal buttons at the right-hand of the page (close to message)
    5. On the drop down menu, click on ''Report''
    6. Click on ''Recover or close this account''
    7. On the pop-up screen, click on ''Recover or close this account''
    • If you select ''Recover this account'' you'll be logged out of your current account and taken through steps to help recover the account
    • If you select ''Close this account'', the profile will be reviewed and deactivated after Facebook is able to verify that it's your old account.


    On Your Browser

    1. Click in the top right side of the account's profile
    2. Click ''Report''
    3. Click ''Recover or close this account'' then tap on continue
    4. On the pop-up screen, you will be given options:
      • If you select ''Recover this account'', you'll be logged out of your current account and taken through steps to help recover the hacked account
      • If you select Close this account, the profile will be reviewed and deactivated after Facebook is able to verify that it's your old account.
     NOTE: Be sure that your current profile is not a friend to your old profile, i.e, on your current and new profile, you should not be friends with your former and old profile.
    View your block list with zero stress- You may have blocked some of your Facebook friends for one reason or another and you've decided to unblock them but you don't know where to find them. The best thing to do is to go to block list and check them out. In this article, we will direct you on how to view your block list with zero stress:

    View your block list with zero stress

    There are two ways of viewing your block list on your Facebook application:


    1. On your Facebook app, tap on the menu button (☰)
    2. Tap on "Account Settings' (for iPhone users tap on "Settings")
    3. Tap on "Blocking"
    1.  Tap on the menu button (☰)
    2. Tap on "Privacy shortcuts"
    3. Scroll down and tap on "How do I stop someone from bothering me?"
    4. On the drop down menu, tap on "Blocked users"

    1. Click in the top right of any Facebook page
    2. Click "Privacy Shortcuts"
    3. Click "How do I stop someone from bothering me?"
    4. Click "View All Blocked Users".
    Deactivate or Delete Facebook account with no stress- If you want to opt out of Facebook, you can choose to deactivate or delete. While they are both ways one can use to opt out of Facebook, they have their differences.  So before you make a choice, take a look at what your choice means:

    Deactivate or Delete Facebook account with no stress

    Your choice to deactivate your Facebook account means that:

    • You can reactivate the account whenever you want
    • People will not be able to see your Timeline nor search for you
    • Some information like the messages you exchanged with friends may remain visible.
      Your choice to delete your Facebook account means that:
    • Access to your account can't be regained once its deleted
    • Deleting your account may be delayed for a few days after you have made the request. This deletion request will be cancelled if you log into your Facebook account during this period of time.
    • Deleting your data in the back-up system may take up to 90 days and for that reason, your information will not be accessible during this time.
    • Some things are not stored in your account. For example, your friend may still have the messages you both shared after deletion of your account.
    • Copies of some materials like your log records may still remain in Facebook's database but they are disassociated from personal identifiers.



    Now, let us show you how to delete your Facebook account temporarily which means the same as Deactivating

    On Your Facebook Application

    • Click on the menu button at the top right hand of your Facebook page.
    • On the pop up screen, scroll down to "Account settings"
    • On the pop-up screen, click on "General"
    • On the pop-up screen, tap on  "Manage Account"
    •  On the pop-up screen, tap on "Deactivate" at the right hand corner.
    • Enter your password on the screen that pops up and tap on "Continue".
    • On the next page, you will be asked if you are sure of the decision to deactivate and to give reasons why you want to deactivate.
    • After you have provided the necessary information, scroll down to the bottom of the page and tap on "Deactivate" to deactivate your account. 
    • You will once again be asked if you want to deactivate your Facebook account, tap on the "Deactivate" button to deactivate your Facebook account.

    On Your Browser 

    • Log in your Facebook account details.
    • Click the account menu  at the top right of your Facebook page.
    • On the drop-down menu, select the “Settings” option.
    • The screen that pops up shows your General Account settings, click on "Manage Account"
    • On the screen that drops down under Manage Account, scroll down to "Deactivate your Account"
    • At the bottom of the page, click on the "Deactivate your account" link.
    • A new page will be open, where you need to enter your password.
    • After entering your password, click on the "Continue" button.
    • You’ll be directed to a new page, where you need to tell the reason behind your deactivation.
    • After you've provided the needed information, click on the ‘Deactivate’ button for deactivation.
    • Facebook will once again ask you to confirm your decision to deactivate Facebook account. Click on the "Deactivate Now" button to immediately deactivate your Facebook account.

    If you choose to delete your Facebook account permanently or Delete your account, here's what to do:
    *You are advised to download a copy of your Facebook data before you delete your account for future purposes.*

    To download a copy of your Facebook data: 
    • Click the downward arrow at the top right of any Facebook page
    • Select "Settings"
    • Click on the link at the bottom of the main menu that says "Download a copy of your Facebook data".
    After you have downloaded your data, all you need to do is visit this link:, click on "Delete my account", then follow the steps to confirm.
    Imagine that you are in a very important meeting with everyone in your company, everywhere is silent and all of a sudden, you hear a sound on your phone indicating that you have a Facebook message from one of your friends, or you are having a very important discussion with your parents or boss in the office and your phone keeps making that Facebook message notification sound. 

    Mortifying and embarrassing, isn't it? Well, you don't need to worry about being mortified, embarrassed or taken as unserious anymore. Putting your phone on silent is an option but what if you miss an important call?
    The best alternative is to turn off Facebook messenger notifications and enjoy your peace and quiet.

    Check out: Facebook remove from group notification

    Follow this step by step guide and learn how to turn off Facebook messenger notifications.


    To turn off notifications for all your conversations:
    1. Open your Facebook messenger application
    2. Tap on this button at the top right hand of the page
    Facebook button
    3. On the screen that pops up, scroll down to Notifications & Sounds and tap on it.
    4. On the screen that pops up, tap on Notification previews
    5. Tap on it to turn off all Facebook messenger notifications and conversations


    To turn off notifications for a single conversation:
    1. Open your Facebook messenger application
    2. Scroll down to the particular message you want to turn off notifications for
    3. Tap and hold the conversation
    4. On the pop-up screen, tap on mute notifications
    5. On the pop-up screen, tap on the length of time you want the notifications of the conversation to stay on mute
    6. Tap on Ok

    As simple as that! So go ahead, concentrate on your job and that meeting or get your privacy and some ''me'' time without any interruptions or diversions from messages from Facebook friends. 

    How to Open another Facebook account using Chrome: We shall see how to use multiple account in Facebook, twitter and other. This article is aimed at guiding you to open and connect your multiple Facebook accounts within a browser at a time.

    You have tho Facebook account, But you can not login two account in same time from one browser. If you want to use both accounts, you have to log out from first account and log-in to another one. In this tricks you can use multiple account in same time from one browser. This tricks not only account for Facebook but also for other sites like Google, Twitter, and many other sites.

    See: How to Merge Facebook Accounts

    Their are two process to open another facebook, twitter and other account in google chrome browser. First one from the google chrome browser settings. And the second one from use a extension.

    Search terms: how to open multiple facebook accounts in one browser, how to login multiple facebook accounts in google chrome, multi facebook login software, how to open 2 facebook accounts at the same time, multi login facebook extension, open multiple facebook accounts in firefox, multi facebook download, multi login chrome extension download

    Use the Google Chrome Browser Settings

    • First click on Navicon on top right corner, and go to Settings.
    • Then Add new user… under People. Choose a picture and name, click on Create.
    • Now You will see a profile icon on the browser menu bar, and placed on the top left corner.
    • After that select the People profile, and login another Facebook account here. Switch the user profile via the user icon. You can also use another user accounts such as Google, Yahoo, Twitter and LinkedIn to different user profiles.
    How to Open another Facebook account using Chrome

      Use a extension on Google Chrome Browser

      • First download the extension from the download button.
      Download Now

      • Account manager is a very useful chrome extension that allows users switch in between multiple Accounts on multiple sites. The account manager supports few social sites which include Facebook, twitter, whatsapp, instagram, and many more like those.
      • Log into the social account you wish to manage from your chrome browser.
      • Then click on the Add Account button.
      • Next, log-out from the account and sign into the next social account and repeat same process. You can give it a label like account2.
      • When it’s done, switch into any of those accounts by clicking on the play-like button on the account manager.
      You can edit those account, and delete the account. If you facing any problem regarding how to open another facebook account in google chrome then put your comment in the suggestion box below.
      How you can change your Facebook password now- If you feel that your account has been hacked, the best course of action to undertake is to change your password. Here's how to know if your account has been hacked:
      • Your email or password have changed
      • Your name or birthday have changed
      • Friend requests have been sent to people you don't know
      • Messages have been sent that you didn't write
      • Posts have been made that you didn't create
      So, here's how you can change your Facebook password now and secure your account

      On Your Application

      1. Login to your Facebook account.
      2. Select the Menu button located at the upper-right corner.
      3. Scroll down and select “Account settings“.
      4. Choose "Security and Login".
      5. Scroll down and select "Change Password".
      6. Fill in the "Current password", "New password" and "Re-type New password" fields.
      7. Select the “Save changes” button when you’re done.
      On Your Browser
      1. Log in your Facebook account details
      2. Click in the top right corner of any Facebook page 
      3. On the drop down menu, select "Settings"
      4. Click on "Security and Login" on the left hand side of the pop up page.
      5. Under "Login" click on "Edit" at the right-hand of "Change password"
      6. Fill in the "Current", "New" and "Retype New" fields. Current is your current password, New is the new password you want to change your current to and Retype New means you should retype that your new password.
      7. Click on "Save Changes".