How to Delete Your Facebook Permanently | Delete Your FB Account

How to Delete Your Facebook Permanently | Delete Your FB Account: Alright, you've resolved it within you to permanently delete your Facebook account - this 2017 guide will help you very much on how to go about deleting it. See: How to Deactivate Facebook Account Temporarily Step by Step Guide

How to Delete Your Facebook Permanently | Delete Your FB Account

Before you proceed to delete your FB profile, make certain that you have back up of all your photos and media files and contacts.

Note: Deleting your account implies that you will NEVER recover it again once deleted.

How can I permanently delete my account?

To remove your account from Facebook permanently, you should follow this step by step tips!

  • Login to your Account
  • Visit the delete link here:
  • Follow onscreen instruction to delete your account permanently. This works 100%!

Delete Facebook Permanently Screenshot

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