If after creating your account, you started following more than you are being followed, then here are tips of what you can actively do to acquire more Instagram followers, this activities requires more time devotion, the longer you stay online and do this, the more people follow you on Instagram.
Tips to acquire more followers on Instagram
1. Share what people can connect with
Majority of Instagram users with high numbers of followers has a specific theme which their followers connect with, they don’t just post any picture at any time of the day, the post a special kind of photo or video which attracts more people to their account and the strive to see more of those photos or videos makes people follow the account. Then make sure you are real with what you post, don’t pretend to own a gadget that is not yours or write fake information in your profile, just be yourself.
Read Also: How to Resize Photo to Fit Instagram2. Post at the right time
If you are trying to attract more followers who leaves miles away in another continent, you should understand the difference in time. You should also try to know the particular time people come online to check out their followers post on Instagram, majority of Instagram users visit the platform during their free time; lunch break in the office, on the way home, evening within 5-8 pm, weekends or Sundays. Posting on Instagram at the wrong time will reduce the number of viewers, thereby reducing the numbers of followers
3. The use of relevant hashtags
The use of hashtags is extremely important when posting on Instagram, it add up your post to the categories created with the hashtag and brings the attention of more people to your posts. When using hashtags on Instagram, make sure it is relevant and popular, you can hashtag trending topics, events, news etc. you can also check out the most trending hashtags on Google so as to use it with your post. Though hashtags are good but don’t overuse it with a single post, putting 10 hashtags in a post is not ideal, you only make the post appear spam-like, you can use 3-5 relevant hashtags at once.
4. Follow other users
If you intensely want people to follow you on Instagram, then you should be the one to start the favour, which should be reciprocated in due time. Following more people with make them follow you back.
5. Start a competition
Starting up a competition on Instagram makes more people visit your Instagram feeds and thereby adding up to the numbers of your followers. You can create a competition by asking a question with option of answers where other users can pick from the option their closest to the answer.
6. Post frequently but reasonably
Posting photos and videos on Instagram should not be an every minute activity, you can post once or twice daily, even if it has to be more than that, the posts must be reasonable and make sure you don’t repeat similar pictures on the same day, give the first time to fade away in the mind of your viewers before posting the other.
7. Use filters
With filters, you can customize and make your photos more attractive to more viewers, the more people who views your photo and videos, the more you get followers.
I hope you have gained a lot from this article? You can as well share this article to all your contact so as to help them get more followers on Instagram.
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