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Remove Photo Permanently On Facebook

Remove Photo Permanently On Facebook: It might be that you have mistakenly uploaded a photo on your Facebook page or that your profile photo is obsolete and needs to be removed or a friend of yours tagged you in a picture that you don't like. Any of these reasons will want you to remove the photo in question, that has brought us to bring up this article that teaches Facebook users ways to remove photos or a full album permanently from Facebook or untag yourself from a photo completely. 

Here are the things to follow in order to remove a photo permanently from your Facebook profile
  • Go to your photos and select the photo you want to remove permanently
  • From the menu bar at the bottom of the photo, select option
  • Click delete this photo from the drop-down options and confirm 
  • The photo will be removed permanently and can't be retrieved
  • To remove profile photo permanently, you can use a similar procedure as above, just go to your profile photo instead, then options and finally delete this photo. Note that after removing your profile photo, the place will be empty or back to Facebook default profile photo, which needs to be replaced as soon as possible. 
Recommended: How to Create Facebook Account
To remove an album permanently
  • Go to your photos, then to albums
  • Select the album you want to remove permanently and click on the gear icon at the right of the album,
  • Then select delete album and confirm 

  • This action will remove all the photos contained in such album as well as the album itself.
To untag yourself from a photo
  • Go to the photo and click on your name which shows your name and then click untag, then the tag will disappear.
  • Alternatively, you can tell the friend to remove the photo or untag you himself, to do this
  • Click on the small down arrow at the bottom of the photo, 

  • Then click report post, Facebook will demand you give reasons to remove the post, choose whichever one the suits your complaint and then confirm.
Now that you know the procedures to remove photos from your account on Facebook, you don't have to leave that ugly photo on Facebook anymore. Why not share to pals so they could learn the procedures also.


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